Christopher Dean Cline

System Design PHP HTML JS Agile


Most Recent | Chronologically
Agile C HTML JS Management MySQL PHP QA Robots System Design XML
AJAX Shopping Cart

My first task as a Software Developer was testing a newly implimented shopping cart.

It had all the wizbangs and featured AJAX requests! Finally, you didn't have to load an entire page to add a new item to the cart. Just update a small section instead!

Over time, our custom homegrown shopping cart became overly complicated, and I had to manage those changes.

I built cart pages, checkout experiences, user address management, and product navigation.

I collaborated with designers to ensure designs fit easily into what was built and what we were building.

The "Customer Manager"

I was first lured to work by the offer of a "Paid Senior Project."

This ended up being a backend CMS that aggregated, tracked, and managed customer orders, returns, information, tags, and other random utilities.

It was generally used by Customer Service to manage order issues.

Cart Admin Systems

In addition to working on the cart, I also maintained a lot of various backend pages.

For Example:

  • New/Used Inventory Input
  • Inventory History
  • Returns
  • Shipping Labels
  • Product Lists
  • Product Attributes

When we first built the cart, we had a "custom" payment processor that enabled us to charge, debit, and refund through XML.

As time progressed, newer payment processors became available and we began implementing them.

I added support for:

  • Stripe
  • PayPal
  • ApplePay

In another project, I built an "Automated Recurring Billing System" that ran off of a CronJob that charged customers monthly.


Over time, we supported features unrelated to checkouts and orders. We needed "user" information not "customer" information.

Since I had a lot of experience working on "customer" code, I was tasked with a lot of "user" features.

For Example:

  • View/Edit Profile Information
  • View/Edit User Profile Page
  • Admin User Utilities
  • Moderation
  • Filtering
  • Ordering

I also implemented logins from external sources:

  • Yahoo
  • Google
  • PayPal
  • Apple
NASA Regolith Excavation Challenge

I was the only programmer on a team tasked with designing and building a robot that woke up in an unknown position, dug out "regolith," dumped it in a box, and navigated around obstacles.

We won second place but no one completed the core challenge of digging a specific amount of regolith.

The second time we were self funded but had a much better machine. We completed the challenge weeks before the competition — and well past the minimum dig amount.

(However, our dig motor blew out on our final run.)

Tractor Hacking

My company sponsored a Cal Poly student team to create software that allowed farmers to manage their tractor information without needing the manufacturer.

I was in charge of giving a presentation of the project to classes, where students could choose to work on it.

Once students joined, we had a small team that organized around "Agile Development" and I was the "Project Owner."

I planned sprint objectives and participated in Retrospectives to give direction.

The final student team created a business from this project and even received funding.


We often hired students who worked for a few years then moved on after they graduate. I often worked with them to explain our deploy pipline and complex logic.

I kept an eye on "Project Scopes" so I could help break them up into known chunks of effort we could estimate in a sprint.